Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Registering with MODS

Hi Guys,

The League needs the following people to register online as you have not yet and they're having trouble tracking fees. The following people have not and need to:

- Julie Arnal
- Marc Lafontaine
- Stacy Stanley Young
- Mike Martin
- Dana Larose
- Laura Cardiff
- Matt Sabourin

That's how I entered you into the team listing so let me know if I spelled your name wrong or something. To register go to http://mods.mb.ca/site/ look to the left hand side and click on create new account under the MODS registration section.

Also, I have been informed that we are more than likely secured for a spot on Monday nights! We paid up last night so everything should be good to go! I have a meeting next Monday night and I am expecting I will get the schedule then and we will start the week after that.

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